To Provide & Focus on Patient Safety
    & Quality of Healthcare.

  • What Makes Us
    Better.. Makes You Better...

  • Aditya Hospital Right There
    With You...

  • Delivering Exceptional Care
    to the Exceptional Women.

  • Provided you Connected care
    that fits your life.

Health Record

Your care at Aditya Hospital is carefully charted in the medical record (usually referred to as the Health Record). Medical records provides services to outpatients and inpatients, such as: copies of medical records, registering of live births, insurance requests, and coding of diagnoses. The Health Records Department can :  
  • Protect the confidentiality of your record.
  • Keep your record properly and release it as needed for your continuing care.
  • Allow you to see your own record.
All medical records must be requested in-person at the Medical Records Desk by completing a form with signature. Please ensure you have a photo identification card or driver's license when requesting your medical records. Medical Records will process your request while you wait or you may pick them up at a later time.